Constructivist Theory. There are, however, some criticisms and cautions to consider when relying on this theory. Research indicates that role models with high status and competence are more likely to be observed, although the learner’s own characteristics (e.g., needs, self-esteem, competence) may be the more significant determiner of attention. Created by. Nurs Forum. More important are learners’ goals and expectations, which create disequilibrium, imbalance, and tension that motivate learners to act. Explain how different types of practice and feedback variables in motor learning can be applied to patient teaching. This section summarizes the basic principles and related concepts of the behaviorist, cognitive, social learning, psychodynamic, and humanistic learning theories. How can the program balance expectations between ideal and practical considerations? Learning is. Second, the theory’s emphasis on extrinsic rewards and external incentives reinforces and promotes materialism rather than self-initiative, a love of learning, and intrinsic satisfaction. Learn. Additionally, this theory takes only the environment into account, not the learner’s mind. Motivation is explained as the desire to reduce some drive (drive reduction); hence, satisfied, complacent, or satiated individuals have little motivation to learn and change. Nurses can apply learning theories at the individual, group, and community levels not only to comprehend and teach new material and tasks, but also to solve problems, change unhealthy habits, build constructive relationships, manage emotions, and develop effective behavior. If punishment is employed, it should be administered immediately after the response with no distractions or means of escape. Spell. FIGURE 3-1 Respondent conditioning model of learning. Created by. Second, adult developmental psychologists and gerontologists have proposed advanced stages of reasoning in adulthood that go beyond formal operations. Too often the desired response is conformity and cooperation to make someone’s job easier or more profitable. Several slightly different cognitive orientations to emotions have been proposed and are briefly summarized here: Empathy and the moral emotions (e.g., guilt, shame, distress, moral outrage) play a significant role in influencing children’s moral development and in motivating people’s prosocial behavior and ethical responses (, Memory storage and retrieval, as well as moral decision making, involve both cognitive and emotional brain processing, especially in response to situations that directly involve the self and are stressful (, Emotional intelligence (EI) entails an individual managing his emotions, motivating himself, reading the emotions of others, and working effectively in interpersonal relationships, which some argue is more important to leadership, social judgment, and moral behavior than cognitive intelligence is (, Self-regulation includes monitoring cognitive processes, emotions, and the individual’s surroundings to achieve goals, which is considered a key factor to successful living and effective social behavior (, The implications are that nursing and other health professional education programs would do well to exhibit and encourage empathy and emotional intelligence in working with patients, family, and staff and to attend to the dynamics of self-regulation as a way to promote positive personal growth and effective leadership. In addition to influencing the acquisition of new responses to environmental stimuli, principles of respondent conditioning may be used to extinguish a previously learned response. What encourages the transfer of learning to new situations? Applying learning theories and instructional design models for effective instruction Mohammed K. Khalil and Ihsan A. Elkhider University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville, South Carolina Submitted 8 September 2015; accepted in final form 25 January 2016 Khalil MK, Elkhider IA. Selecting relevant content, appropriate clinical placements, the difficulty level of assignments, and budget and time constraints provide even further cri… It can be argued that emotions and feelings also need explicit focus in relation to learning in general (Goleman, 1995) and to health care in particular (Halpern, 2001). Gravity. While in the relative’s room, the visitor may smell offensive odors (UCS) and feel queasy and light-headed (UCR). Behaviorist, cognitive, and social learning theories are most often applied to patient education as an aspect of professional nursing practice. Every person operates on the basis of his or her unique representations and interpretations of a situation, all of which have been heavily influenced by that individual’s social and cultural experiences. In the third stage of the memory process, the information is transformed and incorporated (encoded) briefly into short-term memory, after which it suffers one of two fates: The information is disregarded and forgotten, or it is stored in longterm memory. Terms in this set (19) Learning - Brain processing is different for each ____ and _____ for each individual is unique . Whether used singly or in combination, learning theories have much to offer the practice of health care. Write. Given the current structure of health care in the United States, nurses, in particular, are often responsible for designing and implementing plans and procedures for improving health education and encouraging wellness. Some people who are being punished become so emotional (sad or angry) that they do not remember the behavior for which they are being punished. Another central gestalt principle that has several ramifications is the notion that perception is selective. Patients who are in severe pain or who are worried about their hospital bills, for example, may not attend to well-intentioned patient education information. Bandura states that it’s not only external reinforcement that affects learning and behavior, but internal reward known as intrinsic reinforcement is also important. … Currently in educational and clinical psychology, behaviorist theories are more likely to be used in combination with other learning theories, especially cognitive theory (. In addition, the major learning theories have wide applicability and form the foundation of not only the field of education, but also psychological counseling, workplace organization and human resources management, and marketing and advertising. Health care management is a growing field. In healthcare research, respondent conditioning has been used to extinguish chemotherapy patients’ anticipatory nausea and vomiting (. Constructivists see the learner as a constructor of knowledge. Reflecting an evidence-based approach to learning, the accumulated body of research information can be used to guide the educational process and has challenged a number of popular notions and myths about learning (e.g., “Spare the rod and spoil the child,” “Males are more intelligent than females,” “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” “The more feedback, the better”). Errors are corrected by helping learners reprocess what needs to be learned (, In general, cognitive psychologists note that memory processing and the retrieval of information are enhanced by organizing that information and making it meaningful. Applying Learning Theories to Healthcare Practice Objectives: After the lecture the learner is able to: • Identify the different learning theories. Behaviorist, cognitive, and social learning theories are most often applied to patient education as an aspect of professional nursing practice. H��Wmo�6�]��>����HI�R�Y��m��60EQ2c�Ӌ'�I�_�;RoNW�6E����s���DrX9�Ws��ay�̜;�o�C A fourth shortcoming of behavior modification programs is that clients’ changed behavior may deteriorate over time, especially once they return to their former environment—an environment with a system of rewards and punishments that may have fostered their problems in the first place. Some patients respond so well to operant conditioning that they report experiencing less pain as they become more active and involved. This form of reinforcement involves the removal of an unpleasant stimulus through either escape conditioning or avoidance conditioning. While reviewing each theory, readers are asked to consider the following questions: How do the environment and the internal dynamics of the individual influence learning? Heavily influenced by gestalt psychology. We have a paucity of theoretically de- rived, empirically tested practice guidelines. First, although the cognitive stages develop sequentially, some adults never reach the formal operations stage. Applying Learning Theories to Healthcare. Mental rehearsal, immediate enactment, and corrective feedback strengthen the reproduction of behavior. Although there is a trend toward integrating learning theories in education, knowledge of each theory’s basic principles, advantages, and shortcomings will enable nurses to select, combine, and apply the most useful components of learning theories to specific patients and situations in health care. First, the basic psychological principles of learning advocated by behaviorist, cognitive, social learning, psychodynamic, and humanistic theories are summarized and illustrated with examples from psychology and healthcare research. How can philosophical beliefs be congruent throughout the curriculum? It is argued in this chapter that emotions and feelings also need explicit focus in relation to learning in general (Goleman, 1995) and to health care … Thus, if a client is not attending to what a nurse educator is saying, perhaps because the client is weary or distracted, it would be prudent for the educator to try the explanation at another time when the client is more receptive and attentive. I will explore a clear definition of the theory and present the main concepts. In the clinical setting, the families of patients with chronic back pain have been taught to minimize their attention to the patients whenever they complain and behave in dependent, helpless ways, but to pay a lot of attention when the patients attempt to function independently, express a positive attitude, and try to live as normal a life as possible. • State examples how these theories are applied on health care setting. Second, what individuals pay attention to and what they ignore are influenced by a host of factors: past experiences, needs, personal motives and attitudes, reference groups, and the particular structure of the stimulus or situation (. Applying learning theory to nursing practice. Cognitive theory has been criticized for neglecting the social context. A principal assumption is that learning is a developmental, sequential, and active process that transpires as the child interacts with the environment, makes discoveries about how the world operates, and interprets these discoveries in keeping with what she knows (schema). A cognitive perspective that emphasizes thinking processes: thought, reasoning, the way information is encountered and stored, memory functioning, and information retrieved. Critically evaluate at least two leadership theories in the context of healthcare management. �wj%�V��7n���V:)���5�x���}�����ƜhjUGD�줴v�1i�OoS)��8��;�U㧾�U�(��4v�1���x�'K��8H. This is because learning is the result of connections that are made between the stimulus conditions in the environment as well as the individual response, which follows. Through experimentation with animals and humans, researchers have demonstrated that the success of operant conditioning procedures partially depends on the schedule of reinforcement. Flashcards. A learner’s. In employing this model, instructors must carefully analyze the requirements of the activity, design and sequence the instructional events, and select appropriate media to achieve the outcomes. For example, computerized instruction and tutorials for patients and staff rely heavily on operant conditioning principles in structuring learning programs. Much of behaviorist learning is based on respondent conditioning and operant conditioning procedures. If the desired behavior does not occur, then responses that approximate or resemble it, Operant conditioning techniques provide relatively quick and effective ways to change behavior. Learning Theories. Cognitive learning theory includes several wellknown perspectives, such as gestalt, information processing, human development, social constructivism, and social cognition theory. In the second stage, the information is processed by the senses. A second way to increase a behavior is by applying negative reinforcement after a response is made. Third, research evidence supporting behaviorist theory is often based on animal studies, the results of which may not be applicable to human behavior. sm12pd. Yet the old adage that “there is nothing more practical than a good theory” still rings true today. Fortunately, a body of theory exists that can inform practice. Identify the differences and similarities in the psychological learning theories specific to (a) the basic procedures of learning, (b) the assumptions made about the learning, (c) the task of the educator, (d) the sources of motivation, and (e) the way in which the transfer of learning is facilitated. According to operant conditioning principles, behaviors also may be, If nonreinforcement proves ineffective, then punishment may be employed as a way to decrease responses, although this approach carries. • Differentiate behavioural theory from cognitive and social learning theory. Write. Here it becomes important to consider the client’s preferred mode of sensory processing (visual, auditory, or motor manipulation) and to ascertain whether he or she has any sensory deficits. a coherent framework and set of integrated constructs and principles directed toward describing, explaining, and predicting learning. Cognitive learning—a highly, Cognitive theorists, unlike behaviorists, maintain that reward is not necessary for learning to take place. (3) What helps ensure that learning becomes relatively permanent? Thus, if the visitor who became dizzy in one hospital subsequently goes to other hospitals to see relatives or friends without smelling offensive odors, then her discomfort and anxiety about hospitals may lessen after several such experiences. The fourth step is the motivational phase, which focuses on whether the learner is motivated to perform a certain type of behavior. PLAY. STUDY. 27 Within the humanistic learning theories, … The next learning theory combines principles from both the behaviorist and cognitive theories. Although social learning theory is based partially on behaviorist principles, the self-regulation and control that the individual exerts in the process of acquiring knowledge and changing behavior are considered more critical and are more reflective of cognitive principles. Generally ignoring what goes on inside the individual—which, of course, is always difficult to ascertain—behaviorists closely observe responses and then manipulate the environment to bring about the intended change. Focusing mainly on what is directly observable, behaviorists view learning as the product of the stimulus conditions (S) and the responses (R) that follow—sometimes termed the S-R model of learning. Course cost: £1,035 . A second issue involves the timing of reinforcement. Research indicates that the development of these attributes in self and patients is associated with a greater likelihood of healthy behavior, psychological well-being, optimism, and meaningful social interactions (, A significant benefit of the cognitive theory to health care is its encouragement of recognizing and appreciating individuality and diversity in how people learn and process experiences. Test. Learning. Jean Piaget is the best known of the cognitive developmental theorists. Long-term memory involves the organization of information by using a preferred, The last stage in the memory-processing model involves the action or response that the individual undertakes on the basis of how information was processed and stored. Learn. After this initial visit and later repeated visits, hospitals (now the CS) may become associated with feeling anxious and nauseated (CR), especially if the visitor smells odors similar to those encountered during the first experience (see. tmjenner. One of the oldest psychological theories is the. Behaviorist, cogni- tive, and social learning theories are most often applied to patient education as an aspect of pro- fessional nursing practice. Applying Learning Theories to Healthcare Practice (Ch.3) STUDY. learning and identifying processes. 1. Education requires assessing how a learner attends to, processes, and stores the information that is presented as well as finding ways to encourage the retention and retrieval processes. First, behaviorist theory is a teacher-centered model in which learners are assumed to be relatively passive and easily manipulated, which raises a crucial ethical question: Who is to decide what the desirable behavior should be? Transfer is aided by a similarity in the stimuli and responses in the learning situation and those encountered in future situations where the response is to be performed. Match. PLAY. Increasingly, health professionals—including nurses—must demonstrate that they regularly employ sound methods and a clear rationale in their education efforts, patient and client interactions, staff management and training, and continuing education and health promotion programs (. Despite the significance of learning to each individual’s development, functioning, health, and well-being, debate continues about how learning occurs, which kinds of experiences facilitate or, Until the late 19th century, most of the discussions and debates about learning were grounded in philosophy, school administration, and conventional wisdom (. Initial learning requires a continuous schedule, reinforcing the behavior quickly every time it occurs. This lack has contributed to the continuation of health education efforts based on whatever “seems right.” Therefore, theoretically uninformed, pragmatic deci- sion-making continues to dominate much of health education practice. Some strategies include the following: For example, forgetting or having difficulty in retrieving information from long-term memory is a major stumbling block in learning. Give an example of applying each psychological theory to changing the attitudes and behaviors of learners in a specific situation. LEARNING • Learning: a relatively permanent change in mental processing, emotional functioning, and behavior as a result of experience • Learning Theory: a coherent framework of integrated constructs and principles that describe, explain, or predict how people learn 3. While surveying this chapter, readers are encouraged to think of ways to apply the learning theories to both their professional and personal lives. Discuss how neuroscience research has contributed to a better understanding of learning and learning theories. Identify specific teaching strategies for each stage of Fitts and Posner’s three stages of motor learning. One of Bandura’s early observations was that individuals need not have direct experiences to learn; considerable learning occurs by taking note of other people’s behavior and what happens to them. Educators who revise and develop a curriculum deal with many difficult questions. One of the cardinal rules of operant conditioning is to “punish the behavior, not the person.” In the preceding example, the instructor must make it clear that she is punishing the student for being late and disrupting class rather than convey that she does not like the student. You can filter on reading intentions from the list, as well as view them within your profile.. Read the guide × Differentiate among the basic approaches to learning for each of the five psychological learning theories. Whereas behaviorists generally ignore the internal dynamics of learning, cognitive learning theorists stress the importance of what goes on inside the learner. First, because no one can attend to all possible surrounding stimuli at any given time, individuals orient themselves to certain features of an experience while screening out or ignoring other features. �@EH!�L)��@a�.S g4� z������B����� ����U�\��h��=�^8�o�;G��>���0� �;�3�1\������]��M�+�^,�8������E�}�!���#s��W�M�K���qU���08�.���2 In social learning theory, the state of mind is also crucial to learning. In Table 1, a special emphasis is placed on the application of the theory in healthcare professional education. / Applying Learning Theories to Support Clinical Practice Level 7 module; Applying Learning Theories to Support Clinical Practice Level 7 module. Responses decrease if the presentation of the conditioned stimulus is not accompanied by the unconditioned stimulus over time. Test. Then, the psychological learning theories are compared with regard to the following aspects: Their fundamental procedures for changing behavior, The role of the educator in encouraging learning, The ways in which learning is transferred to new situations and problems. Behaviorist, cog- nitive, and social learning theories are most often applied to patient education as an aspect of pro- fessional nursing practice. Social learning theory is largely based on the work of Albert. To modify people’s attitudes and responses, behaviorists either alter the stimulus conditions in the environment or change what happens after a response occurs. How much flexibility should be included? The chapter is organized as follows. Finally, the theories are compared and then synthesized by identifying their common features and addressing three questions: (1) How does learning occur? Health promotion and disease prevention programs typically draw from one or more theories … Learning Theories (Bigge & Shermis, 1992; higard and bower, 1996; Hill, 1990) is a coherent framework and set of integrated. Another widely recognized approach to learning is. Which Kinds of Experiences Facilitate or Hinder the Learning Process? Next, motor learning theories and variables, including their application for teaching skills to patients and students, are addressed. When applied to health care, cognitive theory has proved useful in formulating exercise programs. Whether dealing with animals or people, the learning process is relatively simple. Respond so well to operant conditioning principles in structuring learning programs has been used to extinguish chemotherapy patients ’ nausea! Have much to offer the practice of health care, are addressed may presumptuous... To operant conditioning that they report experiencing less pain as they become more active and involved punishment... 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